Salone News

Obituary: Dennis Reynold Nelson-Streeter

Obituary Dennis Reynold Nelson-Streeter The death is reported of Mr. Dennis Reynold Prince Kobina Nelson-Streeter of Tank Yard, Wilberforce, formerly (...)

| 3 months ago | 2236 views

Dennis Streeter passes on

The death was reported earlier today of Dennis Nelson Streeter (photo), one of the most distinguished and talented theatre personalities in Sierra Leone. (...)

| 4 months ago | 2057 views

Dr Braima James passes on

PV Staff Dr Braima James (pictured), a former Botany lecturer at Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone, passed away over the weekend. (...)

| 15 January | 2003 views

January 6 1999 in Freetown: A reckoning memory

By P. D. Sowa (PDS), Canada War has a long tradition of reckoning memory either for its ugly past or for the traumas associated with it. The Jan 6th (...)

| 7 January | 2059 views

ProfilingTilapia fish

By Aminata Fatmata Kandeh, Bo, Sierra Leone Tilapia has become the shinning star of aquaculture with farms starting and expanding across the globe while (...)

| December 2023 | 3099 views

MBHS Dinner and Dance

Hello, our highly esteemed and respected Alumni members, As we look forward to our Dec 22nd reunion for this very important 150th anniversary kick-off, (...)

| December 2023 | 12881 views

President Bio speaks on attempted coup again

PV Staff President Julius Maada Bio of Sierra Leone addressed the nation for the second time on the attempted coup of November 26 on Saturday December (...)

| December 2023 | 2798 views