Canada News

Ottawa City Budget 2025: Fighting for Affordability

18 January 2025 at 00:38 | 826 views

By Mark Sutcliffe, Mayor of Ottawa

City Budget 2025 - Fighting for Affordability
This year’s City of Ottawa draft budget strikes a careful balance, investing in what matters most and fighting for affordability for our residents. It’s a responsible approach: investing in emergency services, public transit, housing, roads and sidewalks, and support for our most vulnerable, while keeping tax increases low to avoid adding to the financial burden for residents experiencing an affordability crisis.

I respect your money. Je respecte votre argent. Many Ottawa residents are struggling to make ends meet. Over the past two years, we’ve been working hard at Ottawa city hall to find savings and efficiencies so we’re not adding to your financial burden.

Jusqu’à présent, nous avons trouvé plus de 207 millions de dollars d’économies. So far, we’ve found more than $207 million in savings. That’s the equivalent of a 10.5% tax increase that we’ve avoided by doing what households all over the city have been doing - managing our finances carefully.

That works out to a savings of more than $400 per household. We’re not writing cheques to you like the other levels of government. But those savings are real. Mais ces économies sont réelles. C’est de l’argent que vous n’avez pas à débourser.

That’s money you don’t have to pay on your taxes and instead you can spend on your priorities.

Public transit is vitally important to our residents and it’s critical for our economic growth. Le transport en commun est extrêmement important pour nos résidents et il est essentiel pour notre croissance économique.That’s why in the 2025 budget, we’re investing in transit at historic levels. In fact, we’re increasing the transit budget by more than 11%.

We’re investing in more reliable bus and train service. We’re reopening the Trillium Line, with service to the airport, Carleton University, Hunt Club, and Riverside South. We’re getting closer to opening the eastern extension of Line 1, with service to Orleans. We’re investing in transit priority measures on Innes Road, which will improve traffic flow in the east end.

Ce budget adopte une approche équilibrée : il investit dans ce qui compte le plus pour vous. This budget takes a balanced approach: investing in what matters most to you, including public transit, emergency services, fixing roads and sidewalks, and helping the most vulnerable. And we’re protecting your affordability with some of the lowest municipal tax increases in Canada, even lower than in the last term of council.

But the process doesn’t end here. Je vais continuer à me battre pour obtenir la juste part d’Ottawa. I’m going to continue to fight for Ottawa’s fair share, to work hard to find savings and efficiencies, so we can invest in a better city for everyone.

The new City of Ottawa budget is about investing in what matters most, and fighting for affordability - for you. Le nouveau budget de la Ville d’Ottawa consiste à investir dans ce qui compte le plus et à lutter pour l’accessibilité - pour vous.

Other cities have had tax increases of 9 or 10 per cent. I won’t support any budget that does that in Ottawa. De nombreuses familles de notre communauté sont confrontées à une crise de l’accessibilité. Many families in our community are confronting an affordability crisis and a big tax increase adds to that burden. It adds to inflation for homeowners, renters, and small business owners.

We’ve done the hard work over the past two years to find $208 million in savings and efficiencies. That’s the equivalent of a 10.5 per cent tax increase. Nous réinvestissons ces économies dans ce qui compte le plus : embaucher des travailleurs d’urgence, améliorer les transports en commun et soutenir les plus vulnérables.

We’re reinvesting those savings in what matters most: hiring emergency workers, improving public transit, and supporting the most vulnerable.

We’re fighting for affordability with low tax increases, and we’re investing in what matters most. Find out more at

In the new City of Ottawa budget, we’re investing in what matters most. Public transit is one of our most vital services. Le transport en commun est l’un de nos services les plus vitaux. Et nous dépensons plus que jamais pour le transport en commun.

And we’re spending more on transit than ever before. We’re increasing the transit budget by 11% in 2025. We started the budget process with a $120-million shortfall in transit funding. And we still need other levels of government to give us our fair share to close the gap, so I’m continuing to work on that. But we’re investing in transit at historic levels to make it more reliable for customers.

To find out more, go to Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site

The 2025 city budget is about investing in what matters most - to you. Le budget municipal 2025 vise à investir dans ce qui compte le plus pour vous.

I’ve heard a lot of feedback from residents about the state of our roads and sidewalks. A lot of people are concerned about safety.

So, we’re investing a total of $104 million to improve our roads and sidewalks and to improve safety.

Nous investissons un total de 104 millions de dollars pour améliorer nos routes et trottoirs et renforcer la sécurité.

That includes almost $90 million to repair and resurface roads, and money to build new sidewalks, repair existing sidewalks, and improve snow clearing on sidewalks and pathways in the winter season.

I’m here on Mathieu Way in Orleans. This is one of the roads that will get resurfaced in the 2025 budget.

Also, we’ll be investing in new traffic signals at many intersections. We will also be upgrading major arteries including Brian Coburn Boulevard in the east and Carp Road in the west. Better roads and sidewalks, and better safety.

Meilleures routes et trottoirs, et meilleure sécurité.

For more information, go to

The new City of Ottawa budget is about investing in what matters most - to you. Le nouveau budget de la Ville d’Ottawa consiste à investir dans ce qui compte le plus - pour vous.

I’ve heard often from residents who are concerned about safety and about emergency response times. In this year’s budget, we’re adding 50 new positions to the police department. We’re hiring another 45 paramedics and firefighters, and 10 bylaw officers.

That’s more than 100 new emergency workers who will improve service, reduce response times and make the city safer for everyone. Cela représente plus de 100 nouveaux travailleurs d’urgence qui amélioreront les services, réduiront les délais de réponse et rendront la ville plus sécuritaire pour tous.

Safety is one of our biggest priorities. To find out more about how we’re investing in what matters most, go to

The 2025 city budget is about investing in what matters most - to you.

We’re putting more money toward recreation, culture, and communities, to improve quality of life for residents. Nous consacrons davantage de ressources aux loisirs, à la culture et aux communautés pour améliorer la qualité de vie des résidents.

We’re moving forward on refurbishing the Alexander Community Centre and also the new Riverside South Community Centre and Recreation Complex, which is going to be right here. And we’re investing in the new Town Centre civic complex right here in Barrhaven. And we’re putting $10 million toward the William Street project as part of the ByWard Market Public Realm plan.

We’re building more and better community spaces for everyone. Nous créons des espaces communautaires plus nombreux et de meilleure qualité pour tout le monde.

Pour plus d’informations, consultez le site For more information, go to
