Salone News

David Keili in Gruesome Road Accident

6 November 2012 at 16:33 | 1481 views

By Our Reporter

A prominent Sierra Leonean engineer, David Keili (photo) has been involved in a gruesome road accident in Bombali district, northern Sierra Leone. The vehicle he was driving was said to have hit some supporters of the opposition Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP) who were allegedly singing and dancing on the road at night.

David, it was said, was swiftly arrested and detained by police in the area while some leaders of the SLPP are claiming what happened was not an accident but premeditated murder. David has vehemently and tearfully denied this in interviews with some Freetown media, while imploring the SLPP not to politicize the issue. He has also expressed sympathy to the families of the people who were injured or lost their lives as a result of the accident.

David is the younger brother of former SLPP presidential candidate Andrew Keili and son of the late Archbishop Keili of Bo. He was a director at the iron ore mine in Lunsar, Port Loko district and currently working at the Bumbuna Hydro-electric project. He studied engineering in the United Kingdom and United States where he worked for many years before returning to Sierra Leone.
