By Leslie Koroma, USA
The World Cup takes a break for a couple of days before it resumes again with an intensity of engagement that will be ratcheted several notches up as the quarters ensue with teams "Playing for blood" as Doc Holiday would say ...
In the meantime, these couple of days are moments to reflect on the ongoing competition and the amazing performance by the Atlas Lions of Morocco with eager anticipation and deep hope that they make it all the way ... what a story that would be ... what a celebration that would be ...
Meanwhile, uppermost on the tips of the tongues of most Africans is the lack of progress in the sporting arenas in their respective nations ... there is a saying, and it goes ... "In the abundance of water, the fool is thirsty. "... talents abound acrosd Africa... so why are many African nations consistently and unashamedly at the bottom of the barrel in sports globally ... it’s the age-old conversations we have had in Whatsapp Groups ... living rooms ... area hangouts ... bars and so many different places we gather socially at, especially so during the Olympics and the World Cup ...
We know the obvious answers to our conundrum, and it is very obvious that regardless of that, we seem to be like a little puppy chasing its tail round and round and round ... knowing that you are not going anywhere till you stop the madness of going round and round and round in circles and that madness can only be stopped if you: ... GET SERIOUS ABOUT SPORTS ... EQUIP IT WITH QUALIFIED PERSONNEL AND PUT THE REQUISITE FUNDS IN IT, and the paradigm will definitely and obviously shift.
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