Salone News

Geoma Jargor descendants donate food items worth Le12 million to their home town

21 July 2020 at 04:37 | 1030 views


Descendants of Geoma Jargor, Sowa Chiefdom both at home and abroad have come to the aid of their home town by donating food items worth 12 million leones.

This effort according to the Master of Ceremony, Alex B. Lamin, caretaker Principal of Geoma Jargor Junior Secondary School, "is to help alleviate the hardship inflicted on Sierra Leoneans as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic."

Madam Jeneba Duwai introduced dignitaries who came to the presentation ceremony. The town chief, Martin Sellu Boima welcomed the dignitaries and acknowledged that “we are in the rainy season and this is compounded by a pandemic with shortages everywhere, and so food support is extremely important at this time." Chief Boima assured the gathering of maintaining fairness in the distribution of the food items, adding the first point will be vulnerable families in the community.

During the presentation of the food items, Paramount Chief of Sowa Chiefdom, Lahai A. Sowa said he was moved by the goodwill of the descendants of Geoma Jargor and surrounding villages and hope others can emulate in the chiefdom.

Hon. Shiaka Musa Sama representing Constituency 104 (Sowa and Malen) speaking at the food presentation ceremony called on his constituents to pray for their children who provided the food items. "It is not easy for them during this Coronavirus pandemic, but the fact that they can still think of you, is commendable in the sight of God," he said. Hon. Sama also said he was elated to had been invited to the presentation and called on his constituents to join the President, His Excellency (Rtd.) Brig. Julius Maada Bio in the fight against the Coronavirus. He encouraged them to continue to obey the COVID 19 guidelines put together by the government of Sierra Leone.

"Some time in June 2020, some champions among our lot including myself, Cecilia "Geomabeauty" Gbla, Samuel Fortune Jr. and Jenneh Kpakra put a call out on our social media platform to feed our people and the response was very good,” Paul Duwai-Sowa said.

On behalf of the descendants who contributed toward the food drive, Paul presented the food items to Geoma Jargor and surrounding communities.

The items donated included 30 bags of rice, 5 bags of onions, 5 bags of salt, 1 cartoon of Maggi, 2 bottles of liquid soap and 2 veronica buckets.

Mohamed Yankuba seized the opportunity to also address other needs in the community including payment of volunteer Teachers at the junior secondary school, school infrastructure and a facelift for the clinic that serves as the first call for primary care in the community. "We are deeply touched by the support of our representative in Parliament, Hon. Shiaka Sama through the additional maternity ward initiative. This will go a long way to ease the burden on the only single labour ward we have," said Mr. Yankuba.

One of the female leaders in the community, Fatmata Musa Gbessay closed the presentation with a huge vote of thanks for the kind gesture. "We are moved beyond words because we didn’t beg for this. It is a pleasant surprise and we are forever grateful," she concluded.
