Canada News

Visit the Black Women in Leadership exhibition in Toronto

23 January 2023 at 20:26 | 1198 views

Have you visited the Black Women in Leadership exhibition at City of Toronto Archives yet?

This exhibition is rooted in Black pride and the exploration of the professional portrait making process. The Black Women in Leadership project was conceptualized in 2019 and focuses on addressing a gap in archives and public records about Black women who have been influential leaders in our communities. Through the documentation of some of these leaders, who have overcome obstacles to be successful and make valuable contributions to their communities, we celebrate their accomplishments, and we invite you to learn more about these women and their work. The women represented in this exhibit are all exemplary leaders in their respective fields and communities, these women also serve as a reminder that the path to success for each of us can be vastly different. Representation allows us to appreciate both the diversity and complexity of the past and the potential of our futures. Black women are not a monolith and neither are their stories.

We will be sharing more about the women featured, so make sure to watch our page to learn more about these women and their contributions and accomplishments!

This free exhibition will be open to the public in the first-floor atrium of the Toronto Archives at 255 Spadina Road from October 2022 to August 2023.

Monday - Friday
9am - 4pm

Read the full curatorial statement online at:

This exhibition features the work of four Toronto based visual artists, Janice Reid, Leyla Jeyte, Jon Blak, and Patricia Ellah. Curated by Sarah Edo and Belinda Uwase.

Presented with the City of Toronto Archives. Thank you to the Department of Canadian Heritage for supporting this project.
