Sierra Leone Peoples Party
Public Notice
Immediate Suspension of J.B. Dauda and Hon. Tamba Borbor Sawyerr from SLPP
The Leadership of the main opposition Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP) has noted the recent Cabinet Announcement of the ruling APC Party Leader, H.E. President Ernest Koroma in which he names two of our members in the persons of Mr. J. B. Dauda and Hon. Tamba Borbor Sawyer as members of his ruling APC Government Cabinet Ministers.
It will be recalled that whilst the position of the SLPP has been for the Cabinet to be of a more national character encompassing worthy citizens from the South-East, the party has always made it abundantly clear that SLPP was not interested in any power-sharing arrangements with the ruling APC.
Sierra Leone’s budding democratic culture is only now being developed and any such power-sharing arrangements will not be in the interest of the country’s multi-party democracy especially as our people need to continuously be taught a proper understanding of the separation of political parties in a multi-party democracy.
Therefore, the party had warned that no SLPP member should be a part of the APC Government Cabinet as SLPP does not seek any form of an alliance with this ruling APC Government. We, in the SLPP, are building up Sierra Leone’s still budding multi-party democratic culture by being the democratic opposition to the APC.
It is in the above light that the National SLPP Leadership is hereby informing the general public of the immediate suspension from the party of the following persons:
1. Mr. J. B. Dauda
2. Hon. Tamba Borbor Sawyerr
Mr. J.B. Dauda and Hon. Tamba Borbor Sawyer will soon be invited to face the National Disciplinary Committee of the SLPP to defend against why they should not be expelled forthwith from the SLPP.
Once again, let it be strongly reiterated that Mr. J.B. Dauda and Hon. Tamba Borbor Sawyer hereby stand immediately suspended from their membership of the Sierra Leone Peoples Party. None of their actions can therefore represent the SLPP.
John Oponjo Benjamin
National Leader, SLPP.
Photo: JB Dauda (far right), at IMF headquarters, Washington DC, USA, April 17, 2005. He was then an SLPP Finance minister.