Salone News

Momolu Massaquoi, the last Vai King in Sierra Leone

7 October 2022 at 03:15 | 2026 views

Some significant historical events that changed the history and politics of Mendeland in 1906

By Kortor Kamara, USA

The last Vai king of the Gallinas, Momolu Massaquoi (aka Momo Fo),shown in picture, was dethroned as Paramount Chief of Gallinas Chiefdom in 1906. Prior to his dethronement, Massaquoi was one of the Chiefs who was in attendance at the stone laying of the Bo School in Bo in early 1906.

The colonial British administration in Freetown viewed the American educated heir to the Massaquoi Crown, as a threat and impediment to their colonial expansionist activities in the Gallinas region. His desire to consolidate chieftaincy claims among areas and peoples under the old Gallinas kingdom of King Siaka and Prince Manna Massaquoi ran counter to the divide and rule policy of the British colonial government, which favored division of larger political entities into smaller units.

The colonial administration conspired with the Soro and Gbema chiefdom peoples, who challenged Massaquoi’s suzerainty over lands in their chiefdoms, even though these lands had been part of the Gallinas kingdom. Upon losing the case before a clearly biased Dr. James Crawford Maxwell, the District Commissioner, in 1906, Momolu, at age 35, was deposed thus ending the era of the Gallinas kingdom.

Momolu Massaquoi however returned to his motherland, Liberia and went on to become the first African diplomat in Europe and held several administrative and political offices in Liberia.

In 1906, the headquarters of the Bandajuma district was transferred to Pujehun town from Bandajuma Sowa.

Moreover in 1906, the celebrated Kpa-Mende Queen, Madam Yoko died.

The Panguma-based King Nyagua, died while in exile in the Gold Coast (Ghana) in 1906.

The Bo School was established and opened in Bo in 1906.
