Salone News

Happy Holidays, Sierra Leone!

By  | 30 December 2014 at 19:40 | 1520 views

On behalf of the staff and numerous contributors of the Patriotic Vanguard, I would like to extend to the Government and People of Sierra Leone a Merry Christmas and an Ebola-free New Year.

Indeed we have suffered enormously this year, a year that will die out soon. We have suffered before during the civil war, but Ebola, being invisible, has taken us beyond suffering this time, into the realm of the apocalyptic unknown. Yet, we continue to fight and will soon conquer the invisible enemy. We therefore thank our genuine international friends for the prompt and continuing assistance. But this fight is ours, we should never for a moment forget that.

Victory is ours under the leadership of President Ernest Bai Koroma, our Battle Field Commander and Field Marshal in this terrible war that sucks our energy, skills and resolve to conquer. Victory is ours, my indefatigable and patriotic friends and compatriots. This is no longer a partisan war, even the political opposition has joined the fight because the very fabric that holds together the Nation called Sierra Leone is under serious threat.

So let’s continue to follow the instructions and commands of our Field Commander, His Excellency President Ernest Bai Koroma as we begin the march to victory over Ebola by the end of this month.

To borrow the late President Siaka Probyn Stevens’ favourite words, eternal vigilance is the price we have to pay for our liberty.


The author, Gibril Gbanabome Koroma
