From the Editor’s Keyboard

The fuel price in Sierra Leone is one of the lowest in Africa

8 April 2016 at 05:03 | 5186 views

By Septimus Kanu, Guest Writer, Freetown, Sierra Leone.

Sierra Leone has one of the cheapest fuel prices in Africa.

Many African countries that are reducing fuel prices are merely playing catch up with Sierra Leone in addressing fuel pricing.

For instance, the retail selling price for petrol has been reduced in twelve sub-Saharan African countries.

In Kenya, there has been a cut in prices by 16 percent to an average 93 Shillings ($1.02) from Sh110 ($1.20), in Tanzania, a litre of petrol now sells for Sh1,955 ($1.1), a reduction from Sh2,267 ($1.28), in Ghana, prices have been slashed by 10 percent this month, petrol now sells for 4.5 cedis ($1.36) per litre, in South Africa, petrol currently retails at 11.15 rand ($0.96) per litre, and in Senegal, prices were reduced last month from 889 CFA ($1.57) to 799 CFA ($1.4).

Neighbouring Guinea is yet to effect any change in their fuel prices.Their fuel price still stands at 9,500 GF ($1.14).

All these price cuts notwithstanding, given our exchange rate, it is interesting to note that our pump price Le, 3,750 per litre is less than $1. This means that, our pump price has always been lower than the price in all these countries. This is because our government has taken the proactive steps of shouldering the burden of the pump price to cushion the impact on the people.

It is therefore very disingenuous and reckless on the part of those who peddle untruths that fuel prices in Sierra Leone are higher than other countries. The facts we have presented tell us that fuel prices in Sierra Leone, at less than a dollar per liter are among the cheapest in Africa.
