Born in Paris in 1966, David Diop spent most of his childhood in Senegal before returning to France for his studies. In 1998, he became a professor of literature at the Université de Pau et des pays de l’Adour. In 2018, he won the prestigious Prix Goncourt des lycéens for his first novel, At Night All Blood Is Black.
About the Book: At Night All Blood Is Black
One fateful morning of World War I, Captain Armand orders an attack on the German enemy. The soldiers rush forward. Among the ranks are Senegalese riflemen Alfa Ndiaye and Mademba Diop, two of the many men who fought under the French flag. Shortly after springing from the trench, Mademba falls, fatally wounded in front of his lifelong friend, Alfa, practically his brother. Alfa finds himself alone in the madness of the great massacre with no sense of purpose. Detached from everything, including himself, he spreads violence, sowing terror to the point of frightening his comrades. His evacuation to the rear is the prelude to a remembrance of his past in Africa, a whole world lost and resurrected, whose convocation is the ultimate and splendid resistance to the first butchery of the modern era.
Credit: French embassy, USA
Note from Edior: Click on the link below to watch a performance of an excerpt from At Night All Blood Is Black.
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