Salone News

Freetown: Court throws out former COS case

11 April 2017 at 23:01 | 1302 views

PV Staff

Dr. Richard Konteh (photo) the former State House Chief of Staff is today a free man. His case has been thrown out of court in Freetown according to a very reliable source in the capital.

In June 2014, Dr. Konteh, a former Deputy Finance minister and Trade minister before his assignment at State House, was fired from his job, detained for some time, released on bail and prosecuted for various alleged offences.

Here is what a State House press release said about him in 2014:

“It has come to the attention of His Excellency the President that Dr. Richard Konteh, Chief of Staff in the Office of the President was not open and transparent in the conduct of official negotiations for a mining agreement with a private sector operator, thereby violating established policy, undermining existing institutional arrangements, and exposing government to potential loss of revenue. In another matter involving the illegal export of timber from Sierra Leone, the Sierra Leone Police are investigating an unauthorised executive order allegedly issued by Dr. Konteh granting an open-ended mandate to the timber harvesters, processors and exporters (SL) LTD to undertake the export of an unlimited quantity of value-added processed timber, in direct contravention of the approval granted by His Excellency the President for a fixed quantity of 30 containers only. Against this background, His Excellency the President has decided to relieve Dr. Konteh of his duties with immediate effect while the police continue with their investigations."
