From:-APC National Secretariat
To :- APC Chairman and members 2018 Presidential Campaign Team
All NAC members
All APC District Party Chairmen
Presidential Campaign Coordinators
Ward, Constituency, District and Regional Elections Coordinators
APC Diaspora
Comrades All
APC Party Symbol Application Deadline.
Comrades All ,
Further to my earlier Public Notice on the above subject matter and appeals from party members , the Leadership of the APC has decided to reduce the fees for the purchase of the brochure by aspirants for APC symbols as follows:-
1. Members of Parliament- Le 3M
2. Mayors/Council Chair - Le2M
3. Councilors Le500,000.
The deadline for the return of completed brochure is now Thursday , 21st December , 2017.
Amb. Alhaji Dr OSMAN Foday Yansaneh
Thursday 14th December , 2017