World News

Celebrating the launch of ImagineThat

11 April 2024 at 18:42 | 1196 views

By Niluka Kavanagh, Founder @ ImagineThat | Building The World’s First Business School for Digital Nomads Creator, Speaker, Marketer

To celebrate the launch of ImagineThat, I thought I would hold a little launch party with one of the sky bars here in Da Nang.

It saw a range of digital nomads, entrepreneurs and other professionals come together and have a lot of fun.

The thing this group had in common?

They all have a level of location freedom and can work from anywhere.

So not only was it a great way to launch ImagineThat and share it with some of the community here… it was also a symbolic moment in and of itself.

A celebration of the WFA movement.

Occupations included everything from data scientists and software engineers, to digital marketing consultants, online business owners, tech founders and more!

People were from the UK, the US, Malaysia, France, Belgium, Australia, Germany, Japan and many other countries…

I just wish my own global network could have joined - friends and acquaintances in London and Europe, next time…?

ImagineThat is The Business School For Digital Nomads.

We help ambitious but bored professionals start their own online services business and gain the freedom to work from anywhere.

Find out more and join over 400 people in the community here:
