Literary Zone

British writer Malachi McIntosh

29 April 2024 at 21:02 | 3258 views

Malachi McIntosh was born in Birmingham but raised in the United States. He worked for five years in academia after completing a PhD in English, but stepped down from a post at Cambridge in June 2016 to focus on writing full time.

His work has been published in Broadcast, The Caribbean Review of Books, Flash: The International Short-Short Story Magazine, Fugue, The Guardian, The Journal of Romance Studies, Under the Radar, Research in African Literatures, and Wasafiri.

He was the 2014 recipient of the David Higham Writing Award at UEA and is a 2018/19 participant of Writing West Midlands’ Room.

Credit: Comma Press

Note from Editor: Here is McIntosh in an interview with The Emma Press:,vid:VGTJSvlGOZk,st:0
