Letter to editor

HIV AIDS in the United States

21 November 2013 at 23:13 | 6934 views

Dear Editor:

HIV AIDS in the United States

56,300 people annually contract the AIDS virus in the United States. This figure increases by 40% the number of new cases predicted by health authorities, according the report of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

The American institution emphasizes that the infectious disease predominantly occurs among young people that promote same sex sexual relations as well as among African American people.

The director of UNAIDS, Peter Piot, said that: "The more poverty there is, the more AIDS pandemic can affect. We have some paradoxical situations: people have access to sophisticated drugs but they have no money to go to a hospital.

"The AIDS virus inevitably leads us to death. Psychological elements influence in the decision to support the immune system.

Gabriel Rosello

Photo: HIV community outreach in Angola.
