Salone News

First Lady of Sierra Leone speaks in Abuja, Nigeria

25 November 2021 at 05:24 | 870 views

The First Lady of Sierra Leone, Madam Fatima Maada Bio, has urged all African First Ladies to focus on the agendas of their husbands and help build sustainable peace for the sake of the children of Africa.

Madam Bio (pictured), who was speaking at a conference of African First Ladies noted that they are stronger together as First Ladies, adding that their role as mothers of their nations is to help protect their children and to look out for the vulnerable.

Hands Off Our Girls, the flagship campaign of Madam Bio that seeks to protect young girls in Sierra Leone from sexual predators and early marriage, is now widely known both at home and abroad. She has also participated and continues to participate in the work of many international organisations including the AU and the UN.

Click on the link below to watch an interview of the First Lady by the Nigerian News Agency:
