Salone News

Another award for ACC boss

11 November 2021 at 22:13 | 642 views

By ACC commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala, Freetown, Sierra Leone

People say the ACC receives too many awards - both local and international; and ask what is the magic? I tell them it’s because we are doing an extremely difficult task with extraordinary simplicity and results!

Here we are, awarded by the Society for Democratic Initiatives (SDI), a highly respected and independent NGO, as the most “RIGHT TO ACCESS TO INFORMATION COMPLIANT INSTITUTION IN SIERRA LEONE 2021”. I had said we will not fight corruption in secret or hiding. We are open and willing to give out stats, data, facts, information, ON DEMAND!

Who would have thought an institution can fight corruption STRONGLY and be or REMAIN as open as a book to the public? We do not just say so in words, we say so in deed! Take advantage of this and ask us anything and we will give you undiluted information on everything we do. We typify FREEDOM OF INFORMATION.
