Salone News

Cautioning Oswald over Sylvia

11 April 2020 at 20:21 | 1707 views


By Abdulai Braima

Dear “Guru” Oswald Hanciles,

I think your curious attempt to “clean up” Sylvia and present her in the bright light of her ethnic pedigree is a disservice to what you profess to represent as well as to the Creole people in whose brilliant image you want to define Sylvia.

In the first place, there is nothing inversely or overtly relevant about your unwarranted tumbling into the derogative diction of “slave-catcher/seller” historicity of OUR (Creoles and non-Creole) collective past with reference to Sylvia Blyden and her mischief!

And, CERTAINLY, Sylvia is not one of the stellar representatives of a glorious line of a people who were/are not just known to be very brainy but who were/are verifiable champions of the fight to instil morality in, especially, public life!

On the contrary, it is my candid opinion that your strenuous attempt to decorate Sylvia and instal her in the hall of fame to which the phalanx of commendable creole notables rightly belong is a disingenuous disservice to our great national patriots, both living and dead.

In some of your writings you sound like a fair-minded dude. I would advise you to stick to your global call for “trillion dollar slave trade reparation” and your even more plausible advocacy on “climate change”. Your attempt to launder your ghastly Tolongbo comrades and sell them off as gold is a dead lead sinker! For you might be the only APC elite who does not know that TOLONGBOISM is not about “Creole history” or “Mende-Themne/etc interest”. It is about “tethered Human Cows eating every blade of stolen grass in their sight.” It is about thieves STEALING from every tribe in every region! Simple!

So your syllogisms coated in such utterly divisive ethnic “slave-seller” phraseology is sadly self-debasing and ultimately deluding!

In actuality, your lengthy preamble not withstanding, you have failed on the most vital counts on which the theme of your post really rested. No, it is not “unity”. The under-current thrust here is an attempt to showcase why you think Sylvia’s divisive rants against the current government should be accepted as “a call to peace and unity”.

I don’t know if any other person has, but I directly accused Sylvia of the “showboating” you referenced. If somebody else saw her that way then that would be a welcomed addition to my candid conclusion.

And speaking of “contextualisation” I wonder why you didn’t reference the shifty statements that provoked the “showboating” characterisation of your “unity champion”. WHERE is the unity in any of Sylvia’s sarcastic jibes?

Okay, let me draw your attention to the context: Sylvia scribbled a nonsensical post in which she tried to disparage Rtd. Brig Kellie Conteh, Hon. Dr. Alpha Wurie and President Julius Maada Bio by patronisingly (even flippantly) describing these three respectable and respected gentlemen as “non medical persons” leading the fight against the Covid-19 menace.

Her unnecessary emphasis on the “non-medicality” of our leaders in this battle was a calculated art of mischief that has nothing like “Creole heritage” and smells nothing of “unity” in its input or implications. So I challenged her to produce the equivalent “TOLONGBO MEDICAL-LADEN” leadership line-up during our fight against Ebola and I even went further to educate her on the wrong-headed premise built into her piece suggesting that “national leadership should be predicated upon medical qualifications.”

Bro, your attempt to sanitise Sylvia may understandably be a pandering to past or present political (or perhaps ethnic) proximity but it certainly has ZERO to do with “the trans-Atlantic slave trade era”. If anything, her attitude (if not her conduct) is a typical manifestation of the mindless cash-flushed “Slave Catchers” and the sneaky “Uncle Tom House Niggers” both of whom may come from different “ethnic” backgrounds but all of whom belong to the same nation-selling category!
Don’t you realise that Sylvia’s butt of attacks has been constantly directed at someone who is a woman who also happens to be APC and who is even more Creole than Sylvia claims to be?

Mayor Aki-Sawyer is miles above Sylvia Blyden in every category that spells decency!

And NO, Sylvia Blyden has not “resisted...being overtly or obliquely cowered into silence by the descendants of the slave-catchers and slave-sellers”; on the contrary, Sylvia has actively participated, at the highest level, in silencing the descendants of the slaves as well as the descendants of the Slave-sellers.

By pitching her tent with crooks in the Tolongbo camp who banded together to plunder our land, Sylvia actively helped to defile our national institutions and deprive our people.

In your own words, the APC is a party that practised “State-sanctioned terrorism”. Knowing that you have been inside or around the APC for decades, I can take your word for that.

But the question is: When did you realise that the APC is a “terrorist outfit”? After the bludgeoning of Bank Governor Sam Bangura? After the murder and burning of love rival Mustapha? After the cold blooded slaughter of Major S.O. Williams? After criminally selling off our rutile resources for 99 years and plundering everything else in sight including a highly lucrative iron-ore mine or after the daylight rape of our national constitution with disdain?

Oswald, do you really want to play the political lawyer to absolve Sylvia and create a saint out of this broken-pen EBK-trusted SEA, from acts that led to sinking our nation? Really? You need an undiluted pipe of pouring bleach!

My brother, Sylvia Blyden’s “sainthood” can only receive a crown from those who worshiped in the same den of the APC DEBUL... perhaps in the self same pew in a State House that fed its ranks on Ebola cheques and hard Hajj cash.

What is so “Creole” about that shameful level of sacrilegious robbery?

Bo do ya unu lef dem Creole out of unu Tolongbo dabaru saful!
True true Creole man (or woman) nor mix pan Ojukokoro business.

Nar so me see ahn; en Nar so Ih be!
